Saturday, October 22, 2011

Episode 21: Dungeons & Disabilities

On this week's show, Josh, Kenn and Dustin join forces to combat a band of evil orcs in our first ever playing of Dungeons & Disabilities! Dick Balsteen (sufferer of Narcolepsy, played by Dustin), The Count of Nicaragua (Armless noble from the esteemed country of Nicaragua, played by Josh), and Dorkus (wheelchair-bound warrior with ALS who must speak through a text-to-speech engine, played by Kenn) must join forces to save the daughter of a local brick maker (or farmer, carpenter, etc...) from a band of "special" orcs (or goblins).

Right Click/ Save As to Download Episode 21: Dungeons & Disabilities!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Episode 20: Diff'rent Strokes

Our good friend Amanda joined us this week for FAwLcast. last time we tried to have Amanda on the show, recording problems and various other distractions kept the show from being released. Seeing atonement for that incident, the gang got together and banged out a killer show. Listen as Josh indulges in a pizza buffet, Kenn shows what a douche he can be, Doug proves his judgement is suspect, and Amanda leads a debate on the Renaissance Faire.

Right Click/ Save As to download Episode 20: Diff'rent Strokes!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Episode 19: Wakin' Up the Neighbours

This week's show brings us a new timeless saying: When Dustin's asleep, the three left will creep, and boy is it true as your hosts play audio-voyeur to a rather saucy encounter nearby. that's not all as the troupe also discusses afro-bombs, foot fetishes, video games, and sodomy.

Right Click/ Save As to Download Episode 19: Wakin' Up the Neighbours!